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Julie Juliao​

Art & Design

Art - Graphic Design - Social Media Marketing

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Hey there!
Nice to meet you, I'm Julie!
I love everything that has to do with creativity - whether it’s anything related to my career, which is graphic design or my passion towards art, photography, crafts, or drawing. I love to put my ideas into practice and to create the perfect result, I would even explore my own curiosity and teach myself a new skill overnight.

Speaking frankly,
if you asked me what I’d call myself: probably a professional creativity lover who constantly finds inspiration all around her and is purposely seeking for creative solutions.
Or simply a Creative.

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Let's start working together by responding the following questions. I'll contact you within the next two business days.

Thanks for submitting!

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Female empowerment has been more visible as time goes by, our goals and achievements have been given the right credit we deserve and...

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